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> Why is lowering risk/maximizing gain at the expense of others a defendable choice because it produces/saves money for an already wealthy individual. Why is this not viewed similarly to other things which are legal but unethical, say cheating on a spouse?

Most people I know absolutely hate landlords. I've hated 3/4 of mine. But what are you going to do? I can sneer at my landlord all I want but I still have to pay him my rent. I don't want to move out of New York (not yet at least) and buying seems nonsensical.

I don't think anyone is defending them, but do you expect the investor who owns 100 units to not attempt to maximize profit? Most people who get into that business can be assumed to prioritize money over community. The only realistic way to change things is to make it not profitable to sit on these.

> Why is it that the government needs to produce ever smarter and more complicated legislature to prevent people from exploiting others for wealth?

Humanity has kind of always been that way. And even if most people aren't, a small number can disproportionately affect many.

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