Do you realize that the whole thing is counterproductive, right? 99% of users do not want to know what the fuck a cookie is. Imagine you are right before coitus and in the beginning a little angel would pop up and warn you about STDs. And you must answer with an erect dick that yes, you understand. People want instant gratification. The information RIGHT NOW, the pornstar RIGHT NOW, the best pet food RIGHT NOW. PPl are already hooked on the internet, so why are you trying to tell nose jobs how to behave and endure this fucking practice?
It is not the users' job to know about whether the privacy aspects are shit and he/she is robbed of it. So the browser makers go on and solve this shitstorm together.
You've hit the meat of the issue. The legal process that got us to cookie banners was one of the most fascinating collisions of well-meaning but clueless privacy advocates, well-meaning but clueless politicians, and not-particularly-well-meaning-but-very-savvy-about-human-behavior web devs of the 21st century.
It was a trainwreck those who knew psychology saw coming from a mile away, watched get worse as the process progressed, and nobody wanted to hear their truth: this wasn't going to work because users don't care enough to disincentivize sites from tracking them.
Yeah. You have to educate people. And no one wants to educate people. The ruling caste wants to steer people in certain directions, but not towards truth and efficient systems.
It is in my first comment. People don't care about cookies. Browser is a common good, and an interface to the hive mind that must be developed by independent entitites, so GOOG must be robbed of their browser. Sorry, that's the way to go. Google is effectively policing the internet, time to wrestle that right away.
It is not the users' job to know about whether the privacy aspects are shit and he/she is robbed of it. So the browser makers go on and solve this shitstorm together.