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It could be a net gain for Microsoft if the Windows developer community begins to embrace github. As long as the most talented in the community don't leave the Windows platform, it could lead to a more vibrant and productive Windows developer community.

Unfortunately, its been my experience that the Windows developer community rarely embraces anything outside of Microsoft. I hope your right though.

imo Microsoft has a lot to do with that

I've been using git & git-svn for all my c# projects and for committing to Lucene.Net. The msys version of git has come a long ways. I also prefer using github when possible. Some of us do branch out and embrace outside Microsoft technologies.

Its possible to sway the windows developer community to branch out and hopefully more people in the community will take initiative to sway others to do so.

I've had similar experiences. Hopefully Phil Haack's move out of MS doesn't affect its future moves in support of OSS.

There's a lot of good stuff coming in that respect. As long as ScottGu carries the torch, things are good there. :)

Wait... Isn't scottgu running/going to run the Azure Platform?


We all moved with him. All of IIS and ASP.NET works for ScottGu. In fact, all Angle Brackets are under ScottGu, myself included. Our org chart: http://www.hanselman.com/blog/content/binary/Windows-Live-Wr...

My hope is that, while he's carrying the torch, Scott Guthrie (and team!) can blaze a trail for others to follow.

Maybe it's rare, but it's growing. I've used Git/Github on my last few C# projects, and HG/Kiln before that.

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