I feel like their attempt to be taxable is contrary to the traditional reasons for using a digital currency. Even then, I would be surprised if a government uses taler rather than their own implementation. Always wanted to talk to the gnu people about this.
Being taxable is the necessary concession for adoption though. You want privacy in your transactions, but you still have an obligation to pay taxes on them.
While I'm big on free and open source software and aligned with the general GNU mission, I find that the projects that go under its umbrella or often terribly misguided, pointless and hopeless and thus largely ignored by the rest of software community.
(Google Translate: https://www-srf-ch.translate.goog/news/schweiz/digitales-gel... )
Other previous discussions:
- Feb. 2021: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=26261314
- Jan. 2022 (refers as well to other posts): https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29850143