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> curl https://... | /bin/bash

Really? At least it's https, but how about building a proper package nightly, or commit-ly? You already assume ubuntu and apache, so this could be just a static, easily uninstallable deb. The script makes loads of dangerous assumptions.

"apt-get upgrade --assume-yes --quiet" - please don't assume stuff about other people's systems.

"apt-get install loads_of_stuff" - this effectively makes it impossible to remove all unneeded deps later on.

"ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'" - that's bound to fail in many cases - either return just, or try to find the actual default interface:

    DEV=$(ip r l match 0 | grep -Po '(?<=dev )\S+')
    IP=$(ip a s dev $DEV | grep -Po '(?<=inet )[^/]+')
Otherwise - I like the idea :)


The warning above that shell script is there for a reason. I hope nobody actually does that (except me since I know it's sane and need to spin up instances regularly).

You should just remove the script or make clear that it will potentially annihilate the victims host up to the point of rendering it unbootable.

"apt-get upgrade" is not a safe operation. It will install new kernels and boot-loaders and it may get terribly confused in the face of pinned packages or mixed repositories. "--assume-yes" is a really bad idea and running "apt-get upgrade" is none of your installers business in first place.

That warning isn't nearly strong enough. Someone skimming might just see that as an innocuous install script (I certainly would have). There needs to be a huge bold warning: "CHANCES ARE THIS SCRIPT WILL DESTROY YOUR SYSTEM." Maybe not using that wording, but seriously, running this would certainly screw up a lot of stuff on my system, and I'm not alone.

Please file a bug for the script bugs.

And if a DD wants to step in a package, it would be lovely.

(I run my devel instance from git on Debian oldstable)

ifconfig is deprecated for IP addresses - that should be 'ip addr show'...

ifconfig was from the original script. ip version is what I'm proposing.

I didn't personally write this script but you should totally submit a pull request :)


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