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Again. There is nothing in this I disagree with. But there is a lot of assumptions on what I have wrote over my last 12 years based on not reading what I wrote.

If you read Dignity, and come to the same conclusion. Fine. But this thread is based on a Wiki page.

Congrats on Living in a different Eco strata. That is well done! (no snark intended. Genuine congrats)

I'm not here to throw stones at you or tell you that you're wrong. You can't expect your entire bibliography to be required-reading in an HN thread though (or anywhere else, for that matter). Take my concerns with the levity of someone who has no idea what your work entails, since that's pretty much all it is.

As someone completely independent of the author with a long history on HN (the latter of which you can check) I just want to chime in to say that Arnade’s book is incredible and one of the most affecting books I’ve read in years.

It is in fact one of the most thoughtful and nuanced reads on what it means to be marginalized in the United States, and shines a light on voices and communities that are almost completely ignored, or fetishized, by mainstream media.

He’s being graceful, because anything else would sound silly or like self promotion without that context. But your criticism really is misplaced.

If you care about these issues you should definitely dig in a little and read his book, it’s worth it.

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