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Did you get it as part of a promotional deal for about $5 in the late 90s?

Yep! Money well spent.

Nice. If I remember correctly it was their "Powerhouse" deal and you just paid for shipping.

I still have the modules around here somewhere!

No native serial ports, though, and the restriction of things needing to be on the same circuit kind of puts a damper on things. In my college dorms everything in my room was on the same circuit.

Yeah-- that was the one. I've found additional modules here and there in thrift stores and garage sales. The stuff was always just flaky enough that I never wanted to trust it with anything serious. Turning on lamps and strings of xmas lights was fine because the occasional "freak out" that the modules inevitably would fall victim to, requiring a power-cycle to overcome, never caused any major inconvenience. Their hard-wired more "serious" brethren, though, scared the heck out of me. I can't imagine they were at all reliable over the long haul.

re: the serial ports - If I remember correctly the signaling to the module was done on handshake pings (because serial data could "pass thru" the module). They'd probably be pretty easy to bit-bang from any 5V logic source.

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