It's true, that tech workers lean politically left, but it's not true that access to abortion is the single-issue that drives everyone's decision making. Nationally it continues to trail behind the economy when people are polled about which issue is most important to them.
California might be great at social policy, but the average person can't afford to buy a $1.5M home while paying exorbitant taxes, and all the pro-choice laws in the world won't change that. Sure there will be some people with strong political convictions who stay, but most people grow up and want a small house, a yard, and a safe neighborhood for their kids to grow up in. California continues to fail in that area by every conceivable metric.
Its not "political". Its a matter of life and death. For the safety, health and security of my partner, there is no way I would ever move to Texas.
The abortion laws, their enforcement, and the impact on other drugs and services is not a theoretical harm it is very real and would've had substantial, possibly lethal harm to my partner when we were trying to conceive.
> California continues to fail in that area by every conceivable metric.
The right repeats this over and over again, hoping for it to become true. Meanwhile, those liberals who bought at $500k now have houses worth $1.5M, and their pay checks aren't taking the 13% hit conservatives keep repeating (because they don't understand how graduated tax rates work). People will continue to move to as well as leave California in remarkably reasonable numbers, I doubt Texas will achieve population parity with California again (they were the same size in 1940) in my lifetime.
California might be great at social policy, but the average person can't afford to buy a $1.5M home while paying exorbitant taxes, and all the pro-choice laws in the world won't change that. Sure there will be some people with strong political convictions who stay, but most people grow up and want a small house, a yard, and a safe neighborhood for their kids to grow up in. California continues to fail in that area by every conceivable metric.