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Go Ali! When I was a little kid trying to get my feet wet with programming, Ali used to write on a Turkish programming forum, ceviz.net. He used to patiently answer all my questions. Since then I learned English and got out of touch with the Turkish community. I am surprised to see him on HN!

Wonderful to see you here as well! :)

How cool that you were so kind. World needs more people like that.

There are programmimg discord servers where I think most of the kind and helpful programmers find themselves today. At least, that's been my observation.

Do you know Mr.Stop as well ? He 's almost old as Ali in Turkish scene. He has been reversing bits and bytes though.

I haven't come across him. He may have preceeded my time and abilities at that time:). I hanged around in ceviz.net during middle school, I guess around 2008-2010. Before that I was to small to write code. My parents had bought me a Javascript book and teach yourself c++ from Herbert Schildt from a local bookstore. Javascript book was easy, C++ book was hard :). So I abandoned the book shortly after learning cin, cout, iostream and Ali was there to help me out write some programs. I still remember this. I had written a basic calculator in c++, insert number 1, insert operator, insert number 2 kind of something. Ali wrote to me why don't you write it so that it doesn't require you to enter seperate inputs. That question lingered on my mind for a long time and led me into learning about parsing and writing interpreters years later.

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