Can someone please make another one? We need a site dedicated to Test Taking! OkCupid wasn't just about dating; it was about the tests you could create and take. It was awesome.
The dating was also based on tests and archetypes OkCupid created and they were pretty good. We need something pure like that from the early 2000s.
You started off by taking these matching profile tests that grouped you into an archetype based on your responses. The archetype test was also optional it wasn't required to use the site. (Not sure if it was based on orientation but it was certainly gender based.)
There were a series of archetypes that were your ideal matches and you could search by peoples archetypes if they shared it. (I believe you could keep it private, too.. I can't totally remember.)
Otherwise, the entire site was geared towards creating tests and taking tests. Their test creation system was awesome. I had several tests on tv shows and entertainment. You could get really detailed with the response types and question structures.
OkCupid themselves, as outlined in this thread, shared their data freely and collected it without a bunch of invasive coding. People were literally creating data collection tests and we took them for fun. That's how you collect data!
The entire site had a much more mellow approach to dating then the alternatives at the time, yet it was still geared towards matches not just sex.
Can someone please make another one? We need a site dedicated to Test Taking! OkCupid wasn't just about dating; it was about the tests you could create and take. It was awesome.
The dating was also based on tests and archetypes OkCupid created and they were pretty good. We need something pure like that from the early 2000s.