Likewise some people go out of their way to disparage Apple because they belong to the anti-“cult”. Comment histories can be damning…
Maybe adding something useful to the conversation by recommending a possible solution to the problem that Apple could implement to alleviate the problems would be more constructive?
Here let me start such a conversation: Apple could spearhead a standard to make their trackers communicate with surrounding devices and allow blocking to occur if someone doesn’t want to be tracked. But on the flip side the blocker is then recorded by a central authority to prevent bad actors from stealing and blocking tracking.
> Maybe adding something useful to the conversation by recommending a possible solution to the problem that Apple could implement to alleviate the problems would be more constructive?
My solution is: stop buying devices made to violate their users' privacy.
Good job on investigating my thoughts digging up my very public comment section, though. I am impressed.
> My solution is: stop buying devices made to violate their users' privacy.
This thought process doesn't flow with me. Do you really thing some product manager at one point said "these airtags will allow complete tracking of our minions and their children, and we'll showcase them tracking other things to trick them into buying the product"?
Maybe adding something useful to the conversation by recommending a possible solution to the problem that Apple could implement to alleviate the problems would be more constructive?
Here let me start such a conversation: Apple could spearhead a standard to make their trackers communicate with surrounding devices and allow blocking to occur if someone doesn’t want to be tracked. But on the flip side the blocker is then recorded by a central authority to prevent bad actors from stealing and blocking tracking.