Both. His response is a proof by example (not a proof) and sounded a lot like, "Oh my black friends don't mind when I use that word". Counterexample... I am asian, my "pragmatically authoritarian" father did not encourage me to play violin in order to win money for his bloodline. Thus forensik is wrong. QED.
Also, I DO mind. I found what he said to be VERY offensive. My family is not some conniving, money-grubbing machine that was carefully molding me from the start to take the helm of our empire when my father dies. My parents are supportive of whatever I want to do. Additionally, Asia is huge. Really ridiculously huge. I cannot fathom how anyone can feel justified in casting such a narrow stereotype upon everyone who arrives to the USA from the East. Maybe before conducting a racial ethnography you could read the American Anthropological Association's statement on "race". Basically, race and culture should not be conflated.
I'm sure nobody is trying to be a bigot here but forensik is sure coming off that way.
> Counterexample... I am asian, my "pragmatically authoritarian" father did not encourage me to play violin in order to win money for his bloodline. Thus forensik is wrong. QED.
Oh please. Why even bother saying this? Apparently I claimed that all Asians are violinists! Wow!
You are trying to silence uncomfortable facts by appealing to simple populist thought-stopping cliches.
"Saying anything about race is racism!! Burn the witch!!"
Everyone on HN sees right through you. Culture is passed down generationally and culture is real. Culture is therefore linked to race. Cultural differences are real and anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists have all scientifically established that Asian-Americans are more collectivist than Euro-Americans. The collectivist values result in greater authoritarianism, less individuality, and more emphasis on conformity for the sake of maintaining group harmony. This is a rock solid scientific finding of the social sciences and you're in denial if you don't want to admit it.
>>> anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists have all scientifically established that Asian-Americans are more collectivist than Euro-Americans
Oh yeah, all the social scientists are in agreement about the problem with the Asians? Hm, I see that you are shifting away from the race to racial ethnicity in your terminology (Asian-American). Like, I know you read (at least a review of) Tiger Mom but do you have a real source for this stuff that isn't a single autobiographical account and your own experience? This really makes you sound like you're full of shit.
>>> You are trying to silence uncomfortable facts
I'm really not uncomfortable with the fact that some of the Chinese-American friends I have are pushed really hard to "excel". What I am offended by is that you extrapolate from a similar experience to talk about all Asian people in America, "Asian values", "Asian ethics", and the "Asian mindset".
>>>"Saying anything about race is racism!! Burn the witch!!"
"She is Asian." -- Not racist.
"Her family is very patriarchal." -- Not racist.
"A lot of my Asian friends have overbearing fathers." -- Almost...
"Asian families are very patriarchal." -- Racist.
If you can't tell the difference, then quit talking about my race, fucker.
>>> Everyone on HN sees right through you.
I doubt anyone else is reading this. I just wanted to let you know that the way you speak about THE "Asian Culture" and "Asians" really offends me. Is it still unclear why? Is it clear to you why anthropologists do not produce ethnographic accounts of RACES.
>>> rock solid scientific finding of the social sciences
Collectivist vs. individualist is one of the most extensively researched concepts in the social sciences with respect to cultural differences. Everyone knows it's real. You might as well argue the Earth is flat.
Asia is simply way more collectivist than the West, and this cultural difference holds for Asians immigrants throughout the world.
You're trying to bully me with the race card into shutting up. Decades of high quality research on individualism-collectivism is not racism. It's just a genuine cultural difference that can be measured in a million ways.
By the way, black people also score lower on intelligence tests than other races, women are more enraptured by cute babies than men are, and republicans score higher on measures of magical thinking than democrats.
Hope these statements of fact help you with your witch hunt.