What is that photo supposed to show? All I see is that the iPad's physical design is as much a derivative of all those that came before as the rest are derivative of the iPad's.
Do you really not see the flaw in your argument or are you just being willfully dissonant?
"""All I see is that the iPad's physical design is as much a derivative of all those that came before as the rest are derivative of the iPad's."""
The only thing in common the devices previous to the iPad have with it is that they all have a rectangular screen. I'll give you that. Apart from that though, they are totally different.
And that's from the external design aspect.
From a UI aspect it's night and day.
The devices after the iPad, now, copied both from it.
An argument which would have held water were Samsung producing such tablets prior to the iPad selling millions of units. People know the iPad industrial design as the iPad, not "that thing that looked like the thing from 2001."
I'd have loved to see prior art on the USB connector. That's the most shameless part of all.
It's completely needless – the dock connector only makes sense in light of Apple's larger ecosystem. Why not use micro or mini USB, like everything else on earth?
Will this suffice?