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I'm also a fan of the manual DI approach - I strongly dislike the magic.

I think it helps if you are building test/fakes of your deps that don't really need as many sub-dependencies. Generally you in a test `@BeforeAll` construct a bunch of objects or for a program you do it in `main`.

I did work on a project while I was at Google that was really big and a decade old that instead had a class with a bunch of lazy getters for each item in the dependency graph, then tests would override or reset the getters with testing versions as needed. It was a little clunky but I preferred that approach over the projects I worked on that used dagger.

If you've read through the Dagger dev-guide [0] there is *a lot* in there, while the manual approach it's usually just `new` which is a really simple concept on it's own :) I think this is the right tradeoff because reading code is harder than writing code, so it's worth the extra setup. In practice I haven't seen it to amount to be an overwhelming amount.

[0]: https://dagger.dev/dev-guide/

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