I’ve been idly working on a similar list but with a much more basic prompt.
The results vary wildly, even run by run, but I might put them in a few buckets:
1. Similar enough that someone who doesn’t know much about art could be fooled
2. Amateur knockoff but recognizable style
3. Influence is there if you know what to look for
4. Artist probably not in the training data at all
The last one kinda surprised me, for artists whose work is online and who have unusual names. I would have thought those cases would be really good. Maybe they ran out of disk space with all the porn?
Also interesting that it gets much closer for figurative painters than for abstract painters.
The results vary wildly, even run by run, but I might put them in a few buckets:
1. Similar enough that someone who doesn’t know much about art could be fooled
2. Amateur knockoff but recognizable style
3. Influence is there if you know what to look for
4. Artist probably not in the training data at all
The last one kinda surprised me, for artists whose work is online and who have unusual names. I would have thought those cases would be really good. Maybe they ran out of disk space with all the porn?
Also interesting that it gets much closer for figurative painters than for abstract painters.