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I attended a talk at the Royal Geographical Society where someone explained that given current trends, the super rich would own X00% of the planet if current trends continued for fifty years. And I never understood it. It's like, yeah, ok, if your model of wealth is that there are literally 100 gold bars somewhere then yes, that would be a contradiction. But firstly, lots of things are S-curves, not exponents, and secondly, we can just change what we measure. It looks to me that this comment is talking about something like this article:


Ok. Well, the US is a few hundred million people in a world of 6-7 billion. So yes, doubling would have been impossible. But it happened. According to some source that i just googled[2] there are 6 billion smartphones right now. So this schmuck thought that computers were hitting the wall coming up to 150million. That's an order magnitude of wrongness, and I bet you, the average person in the US today has multiple computers more powerful than a 1999 computer. One in their phone, one in their iPad, one in their laptop, one in their fridge, one in their coffee machine, one in the doorbell, one in their robot hoover, one in their thermostat. I mean.. it's a mad lack of imagination.

[2]: https://www.bankmycell.com/blog/how-many-phones-are-in-the-w...

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