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Wait until they (re)discover remote objects and remote method invocation and java.rmi.*, and jndi because you have to find things!

Lets hope they don't find out about these java atrocities

They don't have to find out to reinvent it.


It's not Halloween yet! Don't bring up the living dead...

Why did DCOM fail? Yes, sure, the protocol documentation is extremely obscure and the tooling kind of sucks, but conceptually? I assume that there’s a reason aside from Microsoft choosing to jump on the web services bandwagon, but I can’t actually find anyone come out and say it. The closest I’ve seen is complaints about scalability, but they don’t agree what’s at fault, either—some point to pinging, some to heavyweight COM+ activation... I don’t get it. Given the relative success of seemingly-isomorphic Java tech, there has to be something.

What should I call my JavaScript CORBA library to get the most stars on GitHub? Corba.js? Corby? What's the current trend?

All I know is you gotta have tons of emojis everywhere to really make it big


This would be a good contrast, rather than a vulnerability being hidden for years in rarely-updated software, you get a vulnerability that sneaks in without you knowing you've updated anything.




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