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What does 'showdead' on my profile page do?
6 points by danw on March 9, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 16 comments

It lets you continue to see articles/comments that Paul kills. Dupes, spam, etc.

It's not only me who kills them. There are a bunch of people (mostly founders of startups we've funded) who have editor auth. 90% of dupes and spams are dead before I see them.

Editors can also fix typos and replace linkjacks with the url of the original article.

OT: What is policy (or general understanding) regarding near-dupes, i.e. submissions of different articles that all cover the same material?

(I seem to be fixating on this today--it's the metaweb/freebase thing.)

Submissions on articles that cover the same content should be fair game. The voting of the community should decide which article is worth reading.

And now you've taken away one of the little mysteries that makes the world an interesting place :p

Thanks for the info, it was bugging me more than any drop down menu should.

Sounds like Paul ought to add some more cryptically-labeled knobs that don't do anything :-)

Feature Request: Add a magic switch! [see http://www.livingstonmontana.com/access/dan/191magicswitch.html]

The unnamed MIT graduate is none other than Guy Steele. His son Matt is on my Mystery Hunt team and I've heard this story from him. It's not a cigar box, it's a locked filing cabinet in his basement (no, there's no Beware of Leopard sign, sorry). Guy doesn't like to let people touch it lest they try switching it to "magic".

Try it out. Then report back here and let us know. ;)

The word 'dead' makes me worry it's a delete profile button so I don't want to try it!

I dont want this to be like that time when I got curious if rm -rf / would work :)

I tried it and it reset my karma.

luckily though my karma is actually a formula- [danielha - rand(10,50)]

har har. :)

And yet you still have 234? I think someones fibbing :p

yeah Dan, do one for the team!

Big Red Button syndrome overcame me and I tried it.

I'm still here, cant see any differences :s

Seriously, anyone know what this does? It's starting to bug me now.

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