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> League of Legends requires a phone number to create an account on the korean server, and there's reasonably widespread belief that that rule is a huge part of why the korean server is regarded as the best in the world.

I'd attribute their gaming culture over their dystopian digital surveillance tbh.

I would not, and I think characterizing it as "dystopian digital surveillance" is disingenuous. Operators of free to play games only have so many mechanisms to make bans matter, and people behave differently if they know there are negative consequences. Overwatch has a significant toxicity problem as-is.

> I would not,

None of the games I play have this problem. So you're wrong. I'm not claiming that this proves the problem is culture specific, just knocking down your counter claim.

> None of the games I play have this problem.

ooh! if you know of popular free to play games with no toxicity, im absolutely in! which games are these?

I humbly disagree. The problem is that a single can grief, smurf, boost, and otherwise ruin the game for 9 other players, and then immediately create another account.

It is a huge problem in League of Legends especially at the lower ranks. I’ve almost quit several times due to it. They’d have a much larger player base if implemented worldwide.

similarly japanese servers in mmos have typically been regarded as being high quality despite having no entry barrier other than language.

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