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Ok, I'll be that guy.

1. Testosterone promotes risk taking (http://goo.gl/s2gf4) 2. Men have more testosterone. 3. Salary negotiation is a risk game.

Now for the important part: this doesn't mean it's right. That would be the naturalistic fallacy, i.e. that because something is natural it must be o.k.

So, yes, absolutely combat this. Learn techniques to overcome the disparity. But do not, in a forum full of smart people, wonder WHY this is happening. The answer is obvious to anyone who doesn't mind unpleasant truth.

As others have pointed out in this thread, there is practically no risk to asking for more money.

But that may not always be obvious to people - in my case, for some reason I worry about my future manager "seeing" me in a negative way. Or perhaps they will decide that I'm not a team player and revoke the offer.

What makes it completely loony, is that I have been the manager, and I never looked at it that way. But yet, I assume everyone else has a very different view of things than I do.

If the testosterone hypothesis is true, then men who try t negotiate their salary also falsely perceive that they are risking their jobs, but they do it anyway. I find that hard to believe.

Yeah, but there's a perceived risk.

According to who? When in the position of counter-offering, it feels to most people like it's extremely risky. Risk in this context isn't about actual danger, it's about how much danger is perceived.

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