You can also get quality by... doing it yourself. That's the Free Software core idea. Don't like what exists? You're free to change it. In fact, you're encouraged to change it, and publish your changes, so others can use your higher-quality version.
It's supposed to be a gift economy, not a plunder economy. You're given something for free, with little to no strings attached. All that is politely expected of you is to A) not be a dick, and B) reciprocate in kind, if the situation arises.
Or you can get "quality" (or support) by paying the author (or some other developer) to support / improve said software within the legal terms of whatever license that software is released under.
It's supposed to be a gift economy, not a plunder economy. You're given something for free, with little to no strings attached. All that is politely expected of you is to A) not be a dick, and B) reciprocate in kind, if the situation arises.