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I've noticed as I've gotten older that I lean more on remembering pointers to information rather than the specific information. I know something exists and can find it quickly, but may not know it off the top of my head.

For example, how to get the length of an iterable in a given language. I may not remember the function name (or if it's a top-level function vs a method) but I know I can search "string length in $LANGUAGE" and find it. This scales better than memorizing every language feature I'll ever use.


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Definitely agree with this.

I've stopped worrying about remembering details, and just assume that my neural network brain will figure out what is worth retaining. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, but life goes on. Not having anxiety about forgetting things feels wonderful.

Very often it's a lot easier to remember the journey to a piece of information than the information itself. I remember reading about some Greek scholar who'd imagine his long speeches as walks, which helped him memorize them. I think we are more suited to learning journeys than destinations. Maybe there's simply more concepts to connect neurons to.

Tangentially, I've gotten better at remembering walks and drives as well, not through any conscious effort, but simply cultivating a sense of curiosity about the world around me. The more I learn about how the world fits together, the more interesting tidbits I notice in a location, and when I see the same place again it reminds me of the previous time I was there.

> For example, how to get the length of an iterable in a given language. I may not remember the function name (or if it's a top-level function vs a method) but I know I can search "string length in $LANGUAGE" and find it.

This is actually a really good example of something I've started using GPT-3 or GitHub Copilot for.

If I'm in a Rust program and I don't know Rust, I can type

# set a to the length of the items array

And Copilot or the GPT-3 Playground (if I don't have Copilot handy) will write the next line of code for me, without me having to go and look up how to do length-of-array.

This is the basis of transactive memory. You maintain a transactive memory with a collection of tools some call the "external brain" like text pads, calendars, search engines and more.


I seem to be the same as I get older.

My Dad (also an engineer/scientist) and I joke that our brain is just a massive foreign key relation store to primary keys records on the internet.

Same here and I'm still young. I'd guess it's more a result of the accessibility of information rather than getting old itself.

I think one of my greatest improvements as a developer over time is my ability to sift and sort information very quickly. I don't need to remember a lot of details, but like you said: remembering pointers to information.

Combine these pointers with google and an intuition for finding relevant information, I will nearly always arrive at the correct information/solution.

It's like a muscle, you have to keep training it.

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