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Variants are meant to introduce a tagged union like data structure into C++.

You can do this without variants by manually defining your own unions and managing the tag yourself, but this is very not type safe and requires extra boilerplate code to manage!

Maybe you have never used and don't care about this feature but it's actually pretty useful! Tagged unions make representing certain types of data very elegant, for example nodes of an AST or objects in a dynamic programming language. You can use OOP patterns and dynamic dispatch to represent these things as well, but I think tagged unions are a better fit, and you get to eliminate a virtual method call by using std::visit or switching on the tag.

I suspect that maybe you have never been introduced to sum types in general which is not uncommon! I am curious if you have experience with using them or not?


variants/sum types is not some earth-shattering concept but has been implemented using tagged unions in C from the beginning of time. At one point in my career i had an occasion to write a "spreadsheet-like data structure" (basically a linked list of linked lists) in three different ways one of which was using a tagged union for the data nodes. The point is that people trivially rolled their own when needed and did not clamour for language/library additions.

I have already pointed out in some of my other replies why it is wrong to consider a variant as a replacement for POD union.

I do realize people have been using tagged unions for a long time. Having some library helpers goes a long way in making them more usable and more expressive. Having them built into the language as a first class feature is even better yet, but std::variant is a nice middle ground.

Technically you can implement it manually, but the same thing could be said about all language features, even in C. We don't need actually need structs built into the language, we can just allocate blocks of data and handle the offsets by hand. We don't need functions, we can just push stuff to the stack and use the call opcode. The same goes for various loop constructs, goto can do everything "for" and "while" can do!

I don't think "we used to roll our own X back then" is a strong argument for something being bad or unneeded. Abstractions are all about allowing the computer to do work for us, and making things less error prone and more expressive. This is why we have programming languages to begin with and don't write everything in assembly!

What you are expressing is a Sentiment and not an Argument. First see my other relevant comment here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=32893171

Language design is a fine balance; the addition of Abstraction Features has to be balanced against the cognitive load it imposes on the Programmer. These abstractions also need to be tailored to a computation model supported by the language. For example, the Niklaus Wirth school of language design was famous for insisting on minimalist languages; You only added features if they were "needed" to support the model of computation and all extraneous/trivial features were omitted. C++ took the opposite route from the beginning which was ok to a certain extent since it increased the expressive power of the language (eg. multi-paradigm). But over time the balance is being lost and the cost of cognitive load is outstripping the benefit of an added abstraction. This is bad and not welcome. So looked at in this light how many of the features in Modern C++ are essential and how many are extraneous (eg. Concurrency features = Essential, variants/syntactic annotations/etc. = Extraneous)? That is the fundamental issue.

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