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> There is no point to use sqlite3 in default journaling mode.

There are situations where you wouldn't want to, but they are probably very uncommon outside of the embedded computing world. Copying 3 files vs 1 is not a gigantic deal. Most of the time you aren't even moving a SQLite database around.

You can still copy just the primary file and not the WAL or any other files if you want to live dangerously and possibly lose transactions if there are write operations in parallel.

Of course, you'd be better off with WAL-based replication tech like litestream instead of plain file copies if you are truly worried about parallel operations during your file copies.

You can even distribute individual WAL frames and arrange distributed writes with raft consensus and a time lease. I never formally modelled this but it seemed to work perfectly: the approach only lacked checkpointing the Wal file and synchronising the database file across raft nodes.

There's never a need to copy 3 files anyway. If the database is closed cleanly then the WAL file and lock file are deleted. If not (either it's still open or not closed cleanly) then I think any half-finished transactions will be discarded if you copy all files to a new location. Certainly safest not to copy the 2 extra files in any case.

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