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An interesting, recent, real-world example of what to do if the stuff hits the fan (frugalsquirrels.com)
19 points by cpr on Oct 9, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Reminds me of those guys who have thought out every aspect of what they're going to do in a zombie apocalypse.

A bit different when you're hearing it from a guy living in the zombie apocalypse.

Hint: if you have easy internet access and can speak english even though it is not your first language, you do not live in a zombie apocalypse.

Reading about the home invasions made me think of putting up a few obvious webcams and a few hidden ones outside and inside, maybe even with a small sign informing of continuous logging to remote storage. I've been thinking about doing something like that anyway, 'cause I've had a few UPS parcels stolen off my porch.

I am not sure that intruders in a state like the one the author is living in would care. Seems like the police is not very much on top of things there, so provided with the footage of your rape and murder, they might just not care.

Let's hope the shit won't hit the fan.

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