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> A huge niche opportunity

kind of an oxymoron. Why bother having an "art community" when one can just generate all the art at random themselves? That's the whole point of DALL-E and co, an endless stream of generated images... no need for a community for that.

It still takes some skill, patience and luck to get a pleasing result. If you try out DALL-E literally 99% of the images you get from naïvely trying some promts will be complete shite.

> It still takes some skill, patience and luck to get a pleasing result.

No it doesn't take any form of skills to get 100 drawings from a simple prompt. This is the whole point of AI "art" generation.

I think that is like saying digital cameras will never replace film.

Art is art.

Art is in the eye of the beholder.

No need for a community to generate every possible art with a AI. Only some cloud storage.

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