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A webpage I made to teach semi-technical friends and colleagues about AI (jackogrady.me)
2 points by rl_for_energy on Sept 11, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

A lot of my friends and colleagues don't work on AI but are really interested in the field, and I'm frequently asked "What is AI? / Can you send me some links to good examples?" These are awesome questions, but I found myself doing this a handful of times and decided to make a page to host it all in one place so they (and anyone else on the internet) could have easier access to this info. I'd love to hear from some people that are not practicing AI about whether or not they find the page helpful!

Good read - as a programmer what's always fascinated me is how much actual coding is required each time you need to train a neural network to solve a new problem. Is that something you'd consider adding a paragraph about or would it go beyond "semi- technical"?

Thanks! Coding would go a bit beyond the target audience here, but I do have some examples from experience and the internet. Whenever starting on a new problem, I've found there's two steps to repeat (neither are really coding time, more so training time). The first is to run some training to see if any hyperparameters of the RL agent need to be significantly adjusted (discount factor, learning rate, etc) and the second is to actually train the best combination of agents. For initiating the training, there's very little new coding to do.

Now, if you also had to code a simulation environment for the agent to interact with, then that could be significant coding as you move to solve a new problem. Updating the state features/action space are minimal code though. Hopefully that helps clarify!

Here's a great code example of a deep Q learning agent to play Atari: https://keras.io/examples/rl/deep_q_network_breakout/

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