I tried Python out right when I was getting incredibly frustrated with a Perl program that had grown too large for its own good. Python seemed so much cleaner that I switched immediately. Its standard library is quite nice, though not quite as large as CPAN.
Ironically, I may be switching from Python to Lua now, for the same reason.
In all seriousness, the only reason I use Python over Lua is for the library. Lua is far more flexible and extensible, but it has a very sore lack of standard libraries like you can find with Python. But I keep my fingers crossed, and continue to use Lua as an interpreter inside my C apps, where the lack of libraries is a non-issue because everything I need to use is a custom API exported from C.
> but it has a very sore lack of standard libraries like you can find with Python
Agreed. I find it quite a bit more elegant overall, and I decided to just jump in and do my throwaway scripts in Lua and see how much of a difference that makes. If I like it enough to write a few small libraries along the way, everybody wins.
Lua has tail-call elimination, coroutines, closures, and lambdas. I'm pretty sure Python has none of these, except for (possibly) a limited form of coroutines. (The Python lambda is too crippled, its closures are broken.) Lua is also one of the most deliberately portable languages I've seen, too. I have a hunch it would be a great language for bootstrapping a Lisp or Scheme compiler, though I haven't tried this yet.
>>> def makeAdder2(x):
v = x
def inc(y):
v += y
return v
return inc
>>> f2 = makeAdder2(3)
>>> f2(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#15>", line 1, in <module>
File "<pyshell#13>", line 4, in inc
v += y
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'v' referenced before assignment
It looks like you can't mutate variables in a closure. Am I doing it wrong? If you really can't, that seriously limits their power.
In Lua:
> function adder(x)
local v = x
function inc(y)
v = v + y
return v
return inc
>> >> >> >> >> >> >> > f = adder(3)
> =f(4)
> =f(4)
> =f(4)
You may need to add a 'global' statement or something similiar. If you are going to mutate a variable in a function Python assumes that you want to create a new variable in that scope.
Generally I do not mutate variables as far as possible, so I have not hit this problem myself, yet. Perhaps there is someone more knowledgeable about Python to step in.
Ironically, I may be switching from Python to Lua now, for the same reason.