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If I read it right, they are asking commercial customers to reduce load, or switch to generators if they can. http://www.caiso.com/informed/Pages/Notifications/NoticeLog....

The heat is widespread, and there isn't enough capacity.

You can clearly see the hitch in the demand data where some demand-response loads got turned off due to the level 1 emergency at 16h00.

And larger drop as they went into stage 2. It's going to go to stage 3 tomorrow if not today. What a great wave. I'm sending this from across the country now, but I lost power in 2020 last time it was almost this hot in CA.

We'll see. The day-ahead estimates have been high all week, and the temperature is dropping tomorrow. I put it about a 50/50 chance that we break 50GW tomorrow.

> the temperature is dropping tomorrow

Maybe in parts of the state, but all over northern CA there are places forecasting a few degrees warmer. Plus the overnight will be high enough that buildings won’t lose as much retained heat, and will start out slightly warmer.

We did break 50MW as of about 3pm; the grid still has 58MW of total capacity, so the state should be okay, with a forecasted peak of 52MW.

I underestimated the heat in northern California extending past the initial wave.

Hopefully Seems today may pass okay unless something breaks?

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