In Europe credit cards are less popular. Most people I know use debit cards with a special "virtual" debit card for Internet purchases. In this situation blocking a certain amount on your card is almost functionally equivalent to taking a payment in advance.
The customer has to transfer all the money to their "virtual" card account and the money is blocked.
The only time when blocking is better is when it comes to the refund, but that too can be botched by airlines by for example automatically completing the payment at a time of supposed check-in.
A much better way would be to pay an advance. Let's say 25%.
The customer has to transfer all the money to their "virtual" card account and the money is blocked.
The only time when blocking is better is when it comes to the refund, but that too can be botched by airlines by for example automatically completing the payment at a time of supposed check-in.
A much better way would be to pay an advance. Let's say 25%.