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I just play ARAM now, it's less toxic than ranked.

The problem with ARAM is people play terribly and if you're actually trying to play well, it's pretty frustrating. People mess around and then are like "it's just ARAM bro" when you're like "yo wtf plz actually play properly".

In general, League is a frustrating experience because it's basically inevitable that even when you're playing your absolute best, others on the team aren't. The occasional great experiences where everyone has that synergistic gameplay and excellent coordination/execution makes it all worth it (I guess), but every other match has me wondering "why am I still playing this?" heh

I devote most of my competitive energy to Rocket League for this reason. Games are only 5 minutes long and you can actually solo carry. Also you don't have to re learn the game every 3 months when a balance patch hits.

edit: I know what you mean. A great League game makes it all worth it, but those seem to be maybe 10% of the games and the other 90% you are just trying to be a kindergarten teacher trying to keep everyone from going afk.

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