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I’m still bitter about this. The story absolutely reeked from the beginning and Krebs did nothing but unnecessarily sensationalize it like a tabloid journalist. I got downvoted a million times over when I pointed this out at the time, why I don’t know, it was obvious to anyone who wasn’t foaming at the mouth to pounce on Ubiquiti. In decades past this was a career-ending error…I wish it still was, I’ll never take a single word Krebs says seriously ever again.

Sometimes HN doesn’t want to see the obvious, because he is their hero

One upvote returned ;)

Ha, thanks. Seriously, this was not a run-of-the-mill journalistic mistake for which one apologizes for and moves on. This was so brazen I couldn't even believe it at the time, my assumption was that he was short Ubiquiti's stock or something. What Krebs did was so egregious and so extreme that I really have no idea why the world hasn't turned its back on him as a journalist.

Because there are no journalists left, it's all entertainment, and we were entertained.

I don't like it, but that's what it is.

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