> This is about of straightforward as a "I screwed up, I own it, I apologize"
"A source provided info. Source is now discredited. I thus no longer trust the info." That's the gist of the apology. But that's neither here nor there, it does not show understanding of the fact that his reputation was deliberately used for criminal purposes.
"This time, I missed the mark and, as a result, I would like to extend my sincerest apologies to Ubiquiti, and I have decided to remove those articles from my website."
He is being sued by them for $425,000 in damages. Last update on the court case was a request for an extension due to them trying to finalize a settlement, I suspect this was part of that settlement.
"A source provided info. Source is now discredited. I thus no longer trust the info." That's the gist of the apology. But that's neither here nor there, it does not show understanding of the fact that his reputation was deliberately used for criminal purposes.