"We've improved the way you interact with our app!"
>click next.
Cursor slowly moves to the upper-right corner of the screen. "We've added a 'search by topic' functionality to our help menu! No more need to scroll alphabetically!"
>click next
Cursor slowly moves to the lower left corner of the screen. A red circles appears, pulsing. "The toolbar now displays the two-letter country code that your operating system is set to. Useful for travelers!"
>click next
Cursor slowly moves to the upper middle of the screen. A popup appears. "If you have forgotten to fill out your phone number and email address in the Account Options, a helpful reminder will appear each time you start the program. This will help you reap a number of useful benefits that sharing your information allows!"
"Hello, my inquiry is whether or not AppleCare+ covers spontaneously throwing my laptop out the window thus it falls down three stories into a storm drain. No, this is purely hypothetical. Yes, I'll wait while you research."