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Microsoft as one of the "two best Phone Operating Systems" makers? Really? Why? Because people review it and say, basically, if iOS suddenly disappeared from the world the reviewer might live with WP7.

Here's a tip for you: people vote with their wallets. And so far they've decisively voted against WP7.

Google's strategy is clear: to make the Web cheaper, more ubiquitous and more accessible. It has by any measure been astoundingly successful in this.

> Facebook is increasingly becoming very distracting and kinda pointless.

On this I can agree. The problem with Facebook is that it's basically solved the photo-sharing and status update problem and it has games but virtually everything else it does just hasn't gotten (similar) traction. Games are a fickle business. People could play them anywhere and increasingly are on mobile devices.

My personal belief is that the only company Facebook fears (despite a brief scare with Twitter 1-2 years ago) is Google. If not then why can so many things Facebook does be interpreted as being aimed at Google (eg Open Compute)?

> Google's search results are in a marked decline.

What praytell is your basis for this claim?

> The OS business is core for Apple and Microsoft.

Incorrect. While true for Microsoft, Apple's core business is hardware and a vertically integrated complete solution. Where once OSX updates cost $129 they now charge a nominal fee ($29) because they realized that it was in their interests for everyone to be on the (near-)latest version (which they are) and that selling OSs is just a means to an end.

As for the Facebook phone itself, Facebook will have their "Stalingrad" moment just like everyone else has. Microsoft seemed invincible in the 90s until they DoJ sucked the wind from their sails. Google's stock peaked in 2007. It makes more money than ever but people realized that the exponential growth couldn't continue for ever. At some point FB will make a move that will dispel their aura of seeming invincibility and dominance. It may well be this phone.

If the current crop of companies has proven nothing else, it's that making good phones is hard. Arguably only Apple has had stellar success at it. RIM is all but dead. MS will probably hemorrhage money on WP7 for little gain just like they do with Bing. Google's core business is elsewhere (commoditize your complements).

The idea that the "Facebook generation" will flock to a deeply integrated Facebook phone is, I think, outdated thinking. What people feared was that Facebook would become, for all intents and purposes, THE internet. IMHO the idea of "social search" is completely overblown. I believe that concern has now passed. We shall see.

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