I recently breathed new life into my Vita with Adrenaline and a whole bunch of old PSX games. It really is a fantastic device, great build quality is exceptional and perfect handheld hardware for anything below 2012-era AAA games.
It really was let down by the business folks at Sony. I guess the upside is that it paved the way for the Switch and Nintendo really learned from Sony's mistakes (but even then, my Vita sees a lot more usage than my Switch).
The ps vita is the one console I keep taking out of storage periodically. It's such a great handheld console with a great library of indie games and amazing for emulation.
It really was let down by the business folks at Sony. I guess the upside is that it paved the way for the Switch and Nintendo really learned from Sony's mistakes (but even then, my Vita sees a lot more usage than my Switch).