Fig trees are excellent. My wife has one in her gatden, snd after just a few years ee get so many tasty fruits from a pretty small tree. I live in Bay Area and pretty much it is just water it a bit and every so often cut back weeds.
They are supposed to do well in my region, and require virtually zero maintenance after they're established. No insect pests ruin the fruit, which is a problem with nearly every other fruit tree in this area (the Ozarks).
My neighbors have some figs and they really taste amazing, a lot like a peach. I'm getting the same variety, although the name escapes me now.
They do get emptied out by local robbers sometimes--raccoons and possums--but otherwise no issues.
I'm really excited to get them in, after seeing the success next door.
I was thinking for gardens and fruit trees.
I'm particularly interested in well-suited plants because I will inevitably ignore them, and I'm hoping they can thrive without me.
I'm planting figs this fall.