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123 or abc is my guess

Many years ago I worked for a defense contractor who not only had 123abc as the password for a workstation that held secret information and was connected to the internet, but a post-it note with "password: 123abc" was kept on top of a monitor which was visible through a window from a corridor that random members of the public had access to. When I brought this up as possibly a poor security practice the reaction was anger towards me, and then moving the post-it note to the side of the monitor so it would not be visible from the window.

If there actually was Secret level classified information on a system, it is a security infraction that that monitor is visible through a window to the public. That contractor should have been reported to the program Security Officer. Glad the defense contractor I work for takes things a little more seriously.

Sounds like the same school of reactive pseudo-security that gave us the TSA: broken in too many ways to count, patching one particular aspect of the problem when brought up or exploited, completely ignoring the big picture, and getting angry when questioned.

"God", system administrators love to use "god". It's that whole male ego thing.

123? That's the same password I have on my luggage

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