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> It doesn't matter how you structure things you end up with some way to climb the hierarchy. The problem with pure communist systems is they try to prevent all hierarchies.

That is a massive non-sequiter though, nobody is suggesting that factory workers rise up and sieze control of the hospitals. Or even that nurses do so. The proposals for healthcare usually involve the oligarchs being in control and the public enforcing standards. Which typically turns out to be unsustainable because the middle class is where the people who know how to run things come from and they just got cut out.

The problem here is excessive centralisation where if (more practically, when) the government becomes corrupt or makes a bad decision it becomes illegal to do something different to the regulatory standard.

Politics by people with communist leanings isn't helping the situation, but the fundamental issue here is people keep proposing 'solutions' that don't work and effectively block people from actually solving the problems. Eg, I bet someone with a good idea of how to organise an independent emergency healthcare service wouldn't be allowed to do it in England.

The only reason I mentioned a pure communist system is to compare it to a pure capitalist system. I then argued that neither will solve this problem.

I agree that centralization causes huge problems.

My main point was that I don't think we've found a good system for providing hospital care and whatever that solution is I don't think it lies at either extremes of the left - right political spectrum.

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