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My preference is to not need to care about what I'm pasting into my notes app. As I use the app on mobile, desktop OS and store not only organized content there, but also random thoughts, incl. sensitive content. That's I prefer to have it E2EE and use standardnotes.com (no affiliation, I'm just a happy customer)

Last I knew standard notes hid 2FA behind the paywall. Basic security should not be a pay feature. If they're willing to hang non-paying potential customers out to dry what other questionable security choices are they making?

I tried to reason this out with them back when they had a discourse site or forum, I don't recall which it was, and was told, I'm paraphrasing, we're not going to do that and don't ever ask again with no good reasoning given.

Not only a bad look from a security standpoint but also a bad look from a community engagement standpoint. IMO standard Notes is to be avoided.

https://standardnotes.com/plans 2fa looks to be in the free plan now, fwiw. (long-term standard notes user here)

What should they charge for then?

They seem to charge $60/year for markdown (free plan only has plaintext). I wouldn't even want to evaluate it.

What if the entire app is behind a paywall, no free version at all? Is that also wrong?

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