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My partner of nearly 10 years is German and while I do feel that I've had a fairly long history of exposure to their culture through her, nor can I say that I am able to speak authoritatively on all Germans or all stratas of their culture. Certainly Germany and wider Europe are not made up of people who have an entirely homogenous attitude towards sexuality. And as you would of course know, it's not like you can just walk naked through any street in Berlin without causing a fuss. But having lived in Germany, I'm sure you understand the subtle difference in the European attitude that I'm trying to illustrate.

I think you're putting the horse before the cart. I'm pretty sceptical that anyone is 'fundamentally wired' any differently from anyone else. We're all products of our society and even if a certain set of social conventions are deeply baked into the history of a particular culture, that shouldn't mean that said social conventions should be mistaken for some form of innate attribute or that they cannot be re-examined if they are found to be detrimental. I'm not implying that this is necessarily what you meant, I'm just pointing out that its a slippery slope from 'fundamentally wired for X' to 'can't change X'.

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