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Ridiculous vulnerability disclosure process with CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor (modzero.com)
317 points by detaro on Aug 22, 2022 | hide | past | favorite | 159 comments

Sounds like they expect everyone to be out for a bounty rather than to improve someone else's software so they probably have a contract with HackerOne to let them do all the annoying hard work dealing with security researchers.

Personally, I would've released the PoC back in July when they said the problem was resolved. No need to ask if the quote can be used, it's exactly what they told the security researchers after all.

Sounds more like these companies are using bounty programs to get researchers to sign NDAs so that they can control public perception of their products.

Effectively paying people (and heaping ego gratification on top of that) to be silent about found vulnerabilities.

Well, sure. That's essentially the trade you're making with a bounty program: you pay people for finding stuff, and get to establish terms for disclosure. If you're not OK with those terms, you can almost always just ignore the bounty and publish directly.

Is there still a safe harbor if you go that route?

You don't need "safe harbor" to test software you install on your own machine (which is what Crowdstrike is), and if you're testing someone else's server, you'd better have permission already.

The problem is with the publishing part. It's pretty unclear - to me at least - what the legal status of publishing 0days is around the world. In the USA, I'd expect it to be protected by free speech, but even then I wouldn't be 100% sure.

Publishing vulnerabilities in the US is protected speech. You get in trouble with disclosing vulnerabilities in the US in four ways, ordered from most to least common:

1. You tested someone else's servers, and not software running on your own computer, and you didn't get permission or adhere to the rules of engagement the target established. Now you're not a researcher, you're an intruder, subject to CFAA. There's a bright line in US law between your computer and someone else's computer.

2. You tested software running on your own computer, but you acquired that software by agreeing to a contract prohibiting research, reverse engineering, or disclosure (ie: any NDA). Now you've violated a contract, and can be sued civilly for doing so. This comes up a fair bit when testing stuff on behalf of big enterprises, where all the software acquisitions come with big, enforceable contracts. I've had to cave a bunch of times on disclosures because of this; most memorably, I got locked in a vendor's suite at Black Hat an hour before my talk redacting things, because that vendor had a binding contract with my consulting client.

3. You were wrong about the vulnerability, or it could plausibly be argued that you were wrong, and you made a big stink about it. You're still a researcher, but you've also possibly defamed the target, which is a tort that you can be sued for.

4. You disclosed a vulnerability that you'd previously leaked, or provided exploit tooling regarding, to a criminal enterprise. Now you're not a researcher, you're an accomplice to the criminal enterprise. This has come up with people writing exploits for carding rings --- they weren't (or couldn't be proved to be) carders themselves, but they explicitly and knowingly enabled the carding.

As you can see, disclosing vulnerabilities isn't the least scary thing you can do with speech in the US, but it's not that much more scary than, say, leaving a nasty Yelp review for a dentist's office (something that also gets people sued). Just (a) don't test servers and (b) don't give secret bugs to organized criminals.

Excellent breakdown! The reason I was thinking of safe harbor is that most bug bounties tend to explicitly grant permission to folks participating in the program. It’s usually walled off by some scoping criteria but it’s part of the deal.

The thing that seems a little iffy for me with crowdstrike is that it’s an agent that calls back to services. It seems plausible that I could unintentionally break something in their environment while testing their software.

I like how you wrapped it up though and totally agree.

great stuff. then there’s about many more US laws outside of CFAA.


What's interesting is there are roles out there where you are not permitted to participate in bug bounty programs. I've worked a few positions where the company outright refused to allow compensation and I wouldn't have been authorized to sign an NDA on behalf of my company just to report issues to a third party.

It created a lot of friction but I kind of understand the policy.

> Personally, I would've released the PoC back in July when they said the problem was resolved.

Dropping a zero day on the public is never acceptable, regardless of how disingenuous a device manufacturer is being. Bug disclosure without a known remedy has to be an absolute last resort kind of thing, and it's actually a little upsetting that modzero used that tactic as a kind of threat ("As the issue was not considered valid, we informed CrowdStrike that we would release the advisory to the public.")

> Bug disclosure without a known remedy has to be an absolute last resort kind of thing, and it's actually a little upsetting that modzero used that tactic as a kind of threat

I don't think it is upsetting at all.

"We found a vulnerability"

"There's no vulnerability"

"No, you misunderstand, here's how it works and how to exploit"

"Naah, no vulnerability"

"Ok, if there's no vulnerability as you claim, you don't mind us releasing our findings to the public, right?"

The thing is, "releasing our findings to the public" puts the vendor's customers at risk, it's not just some imagined Just Punishment For The Guilty, innocents get hurt.

Imagine if you took a new job and they had a bunch of hardware sitting around from such a vendor. Would you be OK if someone published an exploit for your systems?

(In this case, the vulnerability seems minor, so it's sort of academic. But I'm not understanding the mindset of the people here who want to see this as a two party adversarial kind of relationship between Modzero and CrowdStrike. It's not!)

You can't let vendors hide security problems by just not doing anything about them. People deserve to know if the product they rely on has vulnerabilities, because just because you aren't exploiting it doesn't mean nobody else will find it.

Modzero was even following a more conservative playbook here: not setting a deadline from the start, but only talking about release once the vendor indicated there was no issue (anymore).

> You can't let vendors hide security problems by just not doing anything about them.

Telling people that the product they rely on has vulnerabilities is clearly not the same thing as "release the vulnerability report" though, is it? I still remain amazed at the absolutism in the arguments here. There is a spectrum of responses that can be explored before dropping bombs. But everyone wants to see stuff burn?

Telling the customers that there's a vulnerability will make them turn to their vendor. The vendor will obviously lie and say there's no vulnerability, everything is fine, ignore the panic.

Without the necessary details telling the public about a vulnerability is like shouting at a wall. Publishing the details forces vendors to release fixes when they deny the existence of the vulnerability.

This isn't some hidden password or evil DoS attack, this is an attack only processes with admin access can leverage on infected machines. This command is either executed by a computer user (which should flag a warning in the management software) or it's executed by a virus with admin permissions that went undetected by the antivirus solution on the machine. The stakes are low enough and the vendor is irresponsible enough that I don't see a problem with publishing a PoC when vendors lie about these kinds of bugs.

Of course remote exploitation and auth bypass PoCs shouldn't be released into the wild without trying to get a patch out first, but even still vendors like D-Link just don't seem to care if you don't at least threaten them with releasing the details to the public.

This kind of thinking does not protect customers though. We can all pretend there is no vulnerability but that does not mean there isn't a vulnerability. This is kind of "Don't look up" thinking. The spectrum here was they tried with the OEM and the OEM said let it burn by snubbing the researchers. The researchers than attempted to let customers know since the OEM did not want to protect them.

So what's the intermediate step on the spectrum? Publicly call out the vendor and model, yet vaguely enough that others will have to find the specific gap(s)? Tell the press?

If one publicly discloses some mitigation it's usually enough to give malicious actors enough to go on anyway.

> The thing is, "releasing our findings to the public" puts the vendor's customers at risk

If vendor denies there is a problem despite repeated submissions of evidence then customers are already at risk indefinitely.

> Would you be OK if someone published an exploit for your systems?

Under those circumstances? Yes. How else would I learn that my systems are vulnerable?

The vendor's customers are already at risk. It's a peculiar arrogance to imagine otherwise.

I don't think its the job of Security Researchers to defend a OEMs customers. That's the OEMs job? If the OEM does not want to protect its customers after a research has literally given the vulnerability to them its no longer on the researcher. In fact its probably bad ethics for the researcher not to publish because just because there is no report does not mean the bug is not exploited or known by malicious actors. The researchers last recourse is to publish a notification to let the OEMs customers there is an issue since the OEM won't acknowledge it.

> puts the vendor's customers at risk

They were already at risk and didn't even know before disclosure. If anyone's to blame for anything, it's the corporation. They were told a vulnerability existed. If it got to the point people are releasing things to the public, it's certainly because they neglected to do what needed to be done.

I feel like you're arguing from an absolute.

Yes, we're all arguing in favor of responsible disclosure, but if the vendor is not communicating in good faith, what else can you do?

I think it's a reasonable progression if the company refuses to accept that the exploit is valid and won't open up equable discussion about it. Trying to force someone to sign an NDA is not really acceptable behaviour when someone is going out of their way to help the company (and their customers).

Releasing information increases the transparency of the market, allowing customers to make informed decisions. To hide things is not beneficial to the customers.

Always assume a bad guy has the 0-day before a security researcher.

It is absolutely acceptable. Corporate negligence harms everyone. If disclosing vulnerabilities is what it takes to force them to do something about them, so be it.

I'd argue any kind of vulnerability announcement, even a zero-day exploit, is better than having the vulnerability be exploited under the radar by malicious actors. The existence of an exploit allows people affected by the vulnerability to know there's a threat, and to act accordingly.

So what is an appropriate point in time to release information about an issue the vendor claims doesn't exist?

That doesn't give me the impression of a company focussed on security. That they marked the installer of the PoC as "malicious" shows they do have a process, but don't take it seriously.

It’s the snake oil industry. They don’t sell security, they sell CISO get out of jail cards in the form of client agents that constantly remind you of their divine presence by being on top of the CPU utilization sorted process list.

There is a LOT of snake oil in the industry, but endpoint protection IS useful. Not every person is a Hacker News reading tech enthusiast. People download and do dumb shit. That is not to say every device needs it and at a max “check every process/file activity” level, though.

Endpoint Protection may be useful but credibility is everything in the industry.

CrowdStrike has done loads to damage their own credibility to anyone paying attention, but because they've chosen to be favorable to certain power players along political lines there are folks out there that treat them like the be-all-end-all of the industry.

As someone in-industry, hearing people parrot press releases from CrowdStrike has me looking at them sideways.

Edit/Addendum: Just to lay bare my opinion of them... CrowdStrike is a clown-ass company run by clown-ass people and with a clown-ass product.

10% of Falcon is blocking dumb shit people do. 90% is blocking things people are supposed to be doing, and have been doing successfully so far.

Nothing starts your week better than "After the latest definitions update, Falcon heuristic started quarantining your core business tools as suspicious".

They fixed it with an update this month, but CrowdStrike was hooking /every/ single call to NtCreateUserProcess on my work machine last month, and you /know/ how electron-based apps work. VSCode took so long to launch its sub processes it would pop up a crash reporter. "Hello World" compiled from C++ would take a minute to launch sometimes. WSL straight up could not be started because the TTY timed out waiting for it.

For some reason java.exe startup was A-OK though so I started using JEdit again.

Aggravatingly, it would occasionally disappear my builds and then flag me to IT. My dude, I am hired as a developer of native windows C++ applications why the hell is this trash on my would-be workstation-class machine?

Your organization and your IT department expect you to work around these issues by doing development on your personal machine, and then copying it to your work machine while pretending like you never tunneled to your personal machine from the office.

That's what it feels like with some of these policies.

> They fixed it with an update this month, but CrowdStrike was hooking /every/ single call to NtCreateUserProcess on my work machine last month, and you /know/ how electron-based apps work. VSCode took so long to launch its sub processes it would pop up a crash reporter. "Hello World" compiled from C++ would take a minute to launch sometimes. WSL straight up could not be started because the TTY timed out waiting for it.

There's nothing wrong in hooking ~EvErY~ call to NtCreateUserProcess or even a thousand other functions in and of itself. The issue is what they're doing inside those hooks.

We have installed another product that also hooks +@EvErY sInglE@+ call to NtCreateUserProcess and to couple dozen other functions and you know what? VSCode works just fine. WSL too. Edge and Chrome too.

Sure there's a measurable effect on performance but nothing like you're describing.

Because your organization's customers demanded your employer get some security certificate, and part of that certification is hoisting that BS on all users

java.exe was probably excluded.

I know what I'm calling my next exploit ;)

These are usually hash-based so you'll need to actually write it in Java or something more modern running on the JVM. Good thing is you'll only need to write it once and it will run anywhere!

I feel your pain at a deep and spiritual level. I have been in charge of at least half a dozen endpoint protection products over the years (deployment, configuration, management, etc.). Once a user experiences what you just described they are (rightfully) suspicious and sour towards endpoint protection.

Questions i would ask in your example: 1) Was the core business tool excluded from the more intrusive protection modules or does the tool have a significant risk surface? 2) What was the threshold set for quarantining? Does it make sense in this case? 3) Is/should your device be part of a "Developer" policy that is more permissive? Are all users of the tool impacted? 4) Does this happen frequently? If so, should definitions be manually pushed in batches so everyone is not nerfed at once. 5) What is the process for the developer to report/fix the false positive? Is the response time sufficient?

I'm probably forgetting a few. The point is, shit happens (especially with technology). You respond, fix, and hopefully learn. If shit happens a lot, its either because the tool owner doesn't give a shit or the product is shit itself. The delicate balance of security and business operations/innovation is all about weighing and evaluating risk/benefit.

Can I ask, since you're as a person who has administered endpoint protection products: how much legitimate stuff do they actually catch?

I work in offense and they can be a huge impediment. Significant work goes into bypassing or staying undetected from these products. While not all the detection occurs at runtime, they report a lot of data back from the endpoint so historical detection can happen.

However what I see is essentially their true positive and false negative rate, I would be interested to know what the false positive rate is.

Yeah, I guess this all boils down to your threat model in the end. As your post seems to indicate, if a dedicated attacker targets you, they're probably going to be able to work around the endpoint protection anyways.

I'm more curious about the case if your org is a few thousand people and you receive random low-effort attacks distributed across those people, will endpoint protection be a panacea?

Not OP, but I've worked for an endpoint protection product company. Part of the onboarding was them loading up a virtual machine with the endpoint installed, then demonstrating several attacks (installing malicious software, running scripts off the internet, etc) and showing the logs of what the endpoint detected, and at what point it shut down the malicious behavior.

The examples shown were behavior based, not hash based. It didn't look up a file in a dictionary, it detected priviledge elevations and such.

No product is perfect, but if you have a need to be protected (especially if you are at risk from adversaries such as in banking, health care, government work, or against corporate espionage) I'm quite confident in saying that you're much better off with it than without.

The same company would also, at random times, attempt to phish us or send us fake emails to get us to click on links, to help educate us on the kinds of threats our customers faced I consider myself fairly savvy, and even I fell for one of them.

I ended up leaving for a variety of reasons, but "losing faith in the product" was not one of them.

You should’ve also demonstrated attacks like ”open the line-of-business app we’ve used daily for years”. My problem is not the hit rate on actual attacks, it’s the hit rate on collateral damage

I'm not the guy above but the better ones can be very useful. And if they are behaving that badly and impeding your work THAT much then it is most likely that the person in your org configuring it just sucks as their job.

Nobody else is running your binaries, so they don’t match the hashes of any of the trusted binaries in the database. Obviously they’re suspect & should be quarantined immediately!

Endpoint protection is theoretically useful.

In practice, most implementations cause more harm than good. Some of them even add vulnerabilities themselves.

I would agree for some of the old guard antivirus (looking at you McCrappy) but with the better ones you are also paying for a huge amount of analytics and reporting. If you are dealing with a breach (even a small one) it can be really really nice (and reassuring especially for people at higher levels) to have nice easy to consume data on what the chain of attack was and where it started.

Nothing you mentioned on the plus side is actually increasing security. It's really just compliance and potentially containment. Some things that could be done to increase security:

- penetration tests paired with employee security training incorporating those results

- updating every piece of software and IOT device as frequently as possible

- don't use products that execute macros when you open documents and train users to click the allow button

- have a functioning SSO system in place and don't rely on something being on the "internal network" as a security measure. Don't have credentials shared between employees, use SSO instead.

- universal usage of MFA and password managers

Download and run mimikatz on an endpoint protected by said “snake oil” and one without. Note the difference.

> The PoC that has been sent to CrowdStrike was flagged as malicious. The msiexec call of the deinstaller was also flagged as malicious.

As someone who was once part of an endpoint security team, I wouldn't be so quick to judge.

If CrowdStrike operates like any anti-virus software company, there are multiple teams. There would be a small engine team, a team that deals with Windows integration, then there would be a much much bigger malware analyst team(s), then another team that deals with 'active machine learning' (CrowdStrike's bread and butter). Then some senior managers oversee them all.

It's possible that the engine team and the analyst team have a case of 'left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.' They both got the report, and they behave differently as the engine team has a different goal from the analyst's team.

From the analyst team's point of view, their job is to detect all potentially malicious threat, sources be damned. While the engine team takes their sweet time, the analyst team just figures "hey this binary attacks our software. We don't know if the engine team would have fix the bug then, or if the bug is even real. We should blacklist it just-in-case or else when the binary in the public, some joker with an auto scanner will use this binary to show they got around our detection. Then our team would get blame for it. Better be safe than sorry."

Yes we all know detecting binary PoC are close to useless, but if you don't do it, then you'd get a flood of (useless) reports later...

This doesn't really address the part where they then said the issue doesn't exist.

I am not defending CrowdStrike here (my work laptop, that I am typing this on, is molasse-like thanks to them), but their PSIRT team (they have one right?) is just another team in the corp machinery. What PSIRT team and the engine team decide to respond have no effect on what the analyst team decides to do.

Do no harm and cover your ass. No one is going to complain a false positive on a custom PoC binary....right?

Everything else, yeah those are pretty shitty.

Seriously, what does CrowdStrike Falcon do to slow down work computers so much? I recently switched gigs and no longer use Crowdstrike, and I didn't realize just how bad it was until I no longer had to deal with it.

I've heard there are workarounds to disable or remove CrowdStrike, but I was too concerned that the IT overlords would come after me at my previous employer.

you're dancing around the issue though, which is crowdstrike lying in saying there's no vulnerability when they clearly tested it and found there was one

I didn't address anything except for the quoted line from the blog post, which is the binary PoC detection part.

From the blog post- >The PoC that has been sent to CrowdStrike was flagged as malicious. The msiexec call of the deinstaller was also flagged as malicious.

Everything else I have no opinion I wish to share. There are many posters in this thread that would satisfy your desire to engage on the other issues.

Working as a developer inside large enterprise is increasingly intolerable by the day, made possible by tools such as crowdstrike falcon. By the time your workstation is saddled with endpoint security, DLP, zero trust networking, antivirus, etc. it barely functions. And you can get in trouble for doing anything. Installing tree from homebrew can get you flagged on some naughty list where you have to justify why you needed tree of all things.

I recently finished an internship in a large company.

I wanted to install netcat to troubleshoot networking issues between windows and docker containers I was running.

Right when it was downloaded from scoop, it got deleted and I got a scary automated email.

My manager called me immediately, in the end it was cleared quickly but I did learn to be very carefull about what I try to download.

At first I didn't understand why netcat was being detected by the AV but then I remembered it can be used to set up a reverse shell.

Any programmer that knows how to code (and you seemed to have docker installed, so I'm sure you do too) should be able to create their own reverse shell from a few minutes to a couple of hours. Hence the blocking of netcat in this context (developer workstation) makes no sense.

I once worked for a large telecom equipment vendor whose IT policies banned the installation of dangerous software like Wireshark.

Or so many other tools. If you can open a socket, you can transfer data.

Gosh netcat binaries on Windows get picked up by Windows Defender as malacious, it's so infuriating.

Exactly. For competent developer, such tool is nothing but wasting time. The reason is simple: if they don't know what they are doing or cannot be trusted, they shouldn't be hired in the first place.

But I do understand why those are in place:

1. There are lots of those who have no idea what they are doing in the organization. And/or

2. Some high up who have no idea what they are doing want to show their value. Such move typically happens after someone with Chief Security Officer or similar get hired. Or they do know but simply don't care.

I think there is a lot of value in these tools for the enterprise. Even if it is just CYA insurance. If somebody steals data but you have a DLP tool you can just blame the vendor. My biggest issue with the tools is they have an insanely deleterious impact on performance and the harsh scrutiny applied has a chilling effect on employees. It turns people into drones that do not dare step outside the norm.

> If somebody steals data but you have a DLP tool you can just blame the vendor.

This is just about the main thing that bugs me with this kind of tool: sure you can blame the vendor, but the data is still stolen.

And companies are happy to have checked that box and won't bother implementing actually useful policies.

This is hands down one of the scariest and depressing comments I've ever read on HN.

Sadly it is becoming the norm. Even at small and medium sized companies.

This all seems a bit silly, and could easily be attributed to a communication issue.

On CrowdStrike's end, it's much more likely that their systems changed a few heuristics so now it flags certain msiexecs as malicious. Most anti-virus type software are highly nondeterministic in the way they operate, with tiny changes in detection engines able to cause large changes in the way some threats are detected.

Even modzero themselves admitted that the vulnerability is not of great severity so the motivation for the security triage team to put more resources in validating a non-severe bug are probably very low. They likely just tried to run the exploit, and didn't think much of it after it didn't work.

Also if modzero is not participating in a bug bounty program then CrowdStrike has no obligation in providing them with free trials or such in verifying a vulnerability fix.

I'm no fan of CrowdStrike (in fact, one of the more memorable moments for me at my previous job was my boss calling them "ClownStrike"), but it seems as if this is just a bit of overzealous entitlement from modzero as well as not enough testing on CrowdStrike's end.

> Even modzero themselves admitted that the vulnerability is not of great severity

They're wrong. It's not at all uncommon for companies to give employees admin, and privilege escalation tends to be easy on Windows anyway.

> CrowdStrike has no obligation in providing them with free trials or such in verifying a vulnerability fix

Sure, and modzero has no obligation to responsibly disclose, and now here we are. I'm sure they'll work it out if this gets noticed.

My first direct experience with CrowdStrike was the announcement of VENOM back in 2015 [1], which they coordinated with a few friendlies like FireEye but left most of us in the dark about (I was at Palo Alto Networks, not exactly a small company). Looks like they still struggle with this stuff.

1. https://web.archive.org/web/20150514062749/https://venom.cro..., possibly the origin of named and marketed vulnerabilities.

"Responsible" disclosure is an Orwellian term. The real term is "coordinated disclosure", and, as you can see from the timeline, there's coordination here.

"Coordinated disclosure" is the orwellian reimagining here. The only reason why the industry settled on the responsible disclosure process is that works regardless of how much vendor coordination occurs, or even if they are technically responding to emails but really just stalling indefinitely.

No, I was there at the inception of this term, and it was absolutely originally imagined as a way of controlling researchers and giving vendors more power over information about their products. It has pissed researchers off for decades, as it implies that not following the "responsible" process makes one per se "irresponsible".

> No, I was there at the inception of this term, and it was absolutely originally imagined as a way of controlling researchers and giving vendors more power over information about their products.

I mean, that half is the carrot to get vendors to play ball and actually fix their shitty code occasionally. It lets unaffiliated white hat security researchers who are just trying to get sec issues fixed actually get some focus time from the various sauron-esque eyes that are corporate attention by converting a 'bug report' into an 'impending pr nightmare bomb with a known timer'. It's a similar hack to complaining on twitter to deal with a marketing department instead of calling in to a customer service line that's just trying to get you to go away.

> It has pissed researchers off for decades, as it implies that not following the "responsible" process makes one per se "irresponsible".

The point of calling it responsible is to defend the researchers who have massively less power in the relationship against the vendors. Even now you'll see whitehats lambasted for eventually disclosing after a vendor dragged their ass. Beyond that, yeah you can't please everyone.

As Google proved long ago, the only thing you have to do to get vendors to fix their shitty code is to set a fixed timeline for disclosure; just tell the vendor "please let us know when this is patched, and we're disclosing regardless after 60 days".

The point of calling it "responsible" has nothing to do with defending researchers; it's literally the opposite. The norms of "responsible" disclosure were absolutely not the norms of vulnerability reearchers of the time. The term was invented back in the early aughts by @stake, then the largest software security consultancy in the world (my company, Matasano, was essentially a spin-off of @stake; one of my cofounders was an @stake cofounder).

This is one of those things, like "Zero Trust Networking", where people read the term, (reasonably) believe they understand what the words mean, and then axiomatically derive the concept. But, no, the concept has its own history and its own meaning; the words have little to do with it (except that here, it's especially obvious what's problematic about the words themselves).

The industry has largely moved away from "Responsible" disclosure to "Coordinated" disclosure, for all the reasons I've given here. Even CERT, the most conservative organization in software security, uses the new term now.

Later edit

This originally read The norms of "responsible" disclosure were absolutely not the norms of "Responsible Disclosure", which was a typo.

The use of 'responsible' wrt vulnerability disclosure is thought to at least go back to 2001's essay "It’s Time to End Information Anarchy", and I know that the adjective 'responsible' was being thrown around wrt vulnarability disclosure before that. @stake did not invent the term in the early aughts. https://web.archive.org/web/20011109045330if_/http://www.mic...

Yes, CERT has moved using CVD, but I argue that's because of their conservationism. They don't want to rock the boat and tend towards vendor friendly, neutral language. That makes sense for their niche.

And just throwing it out there that the older term that's actively being erased because its implications are unfriendly to entrenched interests isn't the "Orwellian" one.

I'm sorry, but I think you're just kind of making things up here to perpetuate an unproductive argument. By "conservative", I meant that CERT is broadly anti-disclosure in all forms, which I think is a claim that pretty much anyone working in vulnerability research would recognize.

Here's the 2002 I-D that Weld worked on with Steve Christey standardizing the term. It's notable for being roughly contemporaneous with @stake firing Dan Geer over, as I recall, somehow alienating Microsoft, one of @stake's larger clients.


Your link, for what it's worth, doesn't use the term at all. But even if it had, it wouldn't change anything.

Just to keep this on track: your claim was that "Coordinated Disclosure" --- the near-universal standard term for what used to be called "Responsible Disclosure" --- is an "Orwellian re-imagining". Leaving aside the fact that there's nothing intrinsically "Orwellian" about renaming something, the fact remains: "Responsible Disclosure" was researcher-hostile and patronizing, and has been chucked out the window by almost everybody who matters in vulnerability research.

We've managed to hash out a hot topic from, like, 2012 on this thread, which is great, it's progress, we move forward bit by bit here on HN, just like Joel Spolsky once said; "fire and motion". But we can probably be done now.

What's an example of a researcher being lambasted for disclosing a vulnerability to the public?

The example I generally use is when Peter Bright went on a several month set of tirades while a staff writer for arstechnica lambasting project zero disclosing a microsoft vulnerability after the disclosure window was up. Hard to find the source though now that his articles have been scrubbed ever since he got caught trying to diddle some children. : \ In the comments, most of the devops/sysadmin community of arstechnica took his side that you shouldn't disclose publicly at all, missing the point that others might be actively exploiting the same vulnerability. You routinely see the same sentiment even on HN (thankfully in the minority now), missing the point that while finding exploits is hard work and generally takes very smart individuals, that's not to the point of being able to assume that someone else who wears a slightly darker hat didn't figure out the same bug.

I don't much care what Peter Bright thinks or said a decade ago. Peter Bright isn't a security researcher, or on a vendor security team. He's just some guy (or, was some guy) on Twitter. Project Zero, meanwhile, is the global gold standard for coordinated vulnerability disclosure.

Lots of people with better reputations than Bright have publicly lobbied against disclosure of any sort. Bruce Schneier is a great example of this; if you're an old industry head, Marcus Ranum is another name here. The point isn't that everybody agrees with me about "Responsible Disclosure"; it's that everybody who matters does.

He was one of the most important tech journalists in the world when he was saying this stuff; his fame came before his twitter account. He was also functionally a mouthpiece for Microsoft PR, available to run hit pieces on situations that were otherwise embarrassing for Microsoft.

And project zero puts an emphasis on disclosure, not coordination. When the ticker runs out they nearly always disclose, regardless of where coordination is at. That's what Peter Bright was ultimately complaining about; they disclosed like a week before one of the relevant patch tuesdays.

Like I've said, the primary point isn't the coordination. That's the carrot to get the vendors to play game on a sane schedule because otherwise the vendor holds all the cards.

I simply don't care what Peter Bright says, and neither does anybody else in the field. We're now arguing for the sake of arguing. It's plainly correct that the term "Responsible Disclosure" is disfavored, and disfavored for the reasons I say it is. I didn't come up with any of these things; I just work in vulnerability research (or used to) and know what the stories are.

You're watering down the meaning of Orwellian just a tad here but sure, "responsible" has a value judgment baked in that "coordinated" is mercifully free of. On the other hand, "coordinatedly disclosed" doesn't work as well in a sentence.

It's Orwellian because the term was deliberately chosen in order to coerce researchers into accepting the priorities of vendors (by implicitly rendering non-"responsible" disclosure "irresponsible"). I think it's actually one of the better modern examples of Orwellian language in tech.

> privilege escalation tends to be easy on Windows anyway

Well, Crowdstrike is supposed to catch and prevent that...

I mean... as a user on the machine, if I have admin rights there's very, very little they can meaningfully do to stop me from removing their software.

Hooking a token into their uninstaller is hardly sufficient... I have SO much surface area to attack that I don't genuinely think you can call this anything other than trivial.

For an admin user, I'd take this token prompt more as a "Hey - you're about to violate company policy" more than any literal technical restriction.

I can steal the network, change the registry, simply delete their binaries, update shared dlls, or any number of other easy hacks to get them offline.

This is trivial.

> I can steal the network, change the registry, simply delete their binaries, update shared dlls, or any number of other easy hacks to get them offline.

That's a bold claim. Mostly incorrect, but bold. A proper Windows endpoint protection software's Registry filter will prevent you from modifying its Registry data; its filesystem minifilter will prevent you from modifying its files; its EXEs will use the Windows mitigation policy that loads only Microsoft-signed DLLs; its connection with its management server will be encrypted and signed with known keys/certifications (rather than trusting everything from the Windows Certificate Store), etc.

An admin can still bypass all of that with enough effort but it's not nearly as trivial as you say. What is trivial that you can't actually do the things you said and it's common knowledge (in the field).

It IS trivial. Period.

If you don't want people to modify the machine - don't give them admin access.

If you give them admin access... don't assume they won't modify the machine.

For comparison - I worked software security for 5 years dealing with fortune 100 banks. I have zero faith in the industry. It's mostly a shell game for liability.

I can absolutely do the things I mentioned above. At best, it's a discussion of how hard I'll have to work. So again... this is basically a "hey - you're about to violate company policy" notice.

CrowdStrike has kernel code meant to stop everything you mention minus the network part (and being offline should have minimal impact on the security of the system), but in practice I'm sure you're right. It's easy enough to get attacks past them that frankly I haven't bothered trying to disable the agent.

possibly the origin of named and marketed vulnerabilities.

Heartbleed is older (2014).

Incredible! In my mental timeline VENOM came first, maybe because we had to pull an all-nighter.

To me it looks like like a very clear case of a writing/speaking words which they know (or the company clearly should have known) not to be true.

One could perhaps call this a "communication problem", but I'd like to think most people would call it lying

...it's much more likely...

This is very speculative. There's no reason to bend over backwards to imagine a way in which "ClownStrike" (your boss gets it!) didn't flag a specific PoC without fixing the underlying issue. If CS insists on such opacity, the best assumption is actually the opposite.

Remove lawyers from the composite picture. Is there any rational reason for a NDA in that case? If the answer is no, then in one way or another they are trying to limit liability by limiting the researcher's ability to be paid for their discovery and then communicating that to the wider world.

This isn't about liability. It's about shifting the decision of whether to disclose, and on what timetable, entirely back on the vendor.

Great. Imagine I sell a security product and I make a tidy sum telling you how secure that product is. Turns out, there's a security hole in my product that costs your company 100 million in lawsuits as customer data gets stolen via this hole. Now, you'd like to sue me on my claim on the basis that my security product was in fact, flawed.

How's that not about liability?

This seems extremely tame by vulnerability disclosure fuckup standards.

Seriously. I don't think the researcher realizes how many people try to bypass hackerone because H1 would have flagged their finding as invalid.

Using h1 isn't about bug bounties, it's about not having to spend a 1-2 of your team's full time engineers triaging security researcher reports.

If H1 was willing to take and triage reports without requiring acceptance of their terms and NDA, that would be fine.

We also need to be very clear that the moment a company, or it's authorized representative, flags something as a wontfix or "not a security issue", full and immediate disclosure is fair game.

I think that clarity already exists.

We had some of the dumbest H1 "findings" at some companies that I worked:

- Service that is explicitly out of scope of program is "leaking" default CloudFront headers.

- Android application can be decompiled (that's it, not secret is there, just the fact that it's possible)

- "I can do something bad IF I had a way to load malicious JavaScript" (no, CSRF protection was one and correctly implemented) (there is also no way to upload your own JavaScript)

- "I can do things if I open a console in a browser" (can't do anything because CORS policy only allowed for read-only endpoints)

- "You can make requests with CURL and not official client"

Every week, there was at least one variation of one of those reports. "Hackers" also got very defensive about their "findings" and acted like we don't want to pay them for some "mega hack of the year 0day total domination of user device" vulnerabilities.

Not once has anyone found even a minor vulnerability, just wannabes trying to get quick cash. Until we had H1 we had zero reports, with H1 we had moronic reports every other day.

This has been my experience, too, with security reports in general. We see things like:

- "An attacker could spoof an email from you to a user." (POC video shows Yahoo webmail succeeding. We try the same thing in Gmail, and it gets sent to the spam folder because it fails SPF and DKIM.)

- "If I try logging in as a user with an invalid email too many times, it locks them out of their account. That's a denial of service." (Well, yeah, and that's a bummer, but it beats allowing an attacker unlimited attempts.)

I'll say, though, that H1 has been super helpful at screening the worse reports. Sometimes they'll initially block reports like the above, but the researcher will insist that this time it's for real. I don't feel too bad closing those reports as invalid.

In all, I'm a very happy H1 customer. They've been good to work with.

My favorite was an e-mail titled "[Critical Urgent] Vulnerability Report 1 : Clickjacking On Login Lead to Account Takeover Of Any User/Cross Site Scripting Attacks/DOM Based Xss/Csrf Attacks/Deletion OF Account/User Account Privilege Escalation/Victim Privilege Escalation/Malware Execution/Victim PC Hijack/Unauthorized Access To Any User Account/Account Takeover Of All The Users Registered On Your Application"

The finding that we didn't include the "X-Frame-Options: DENY" header was correct, but the app simply doesn't work in an iframe anyways, so it wasn't exploitable.

It certainly wouldn't result in all the other things listed.

Not only have I seen similarly stupid reports, I’ve received death threats from “researchers” who didn’t receive the payout they expected for basically clicking “inspect element” in their browser.

Then they should provide a path that doesn't involve arbitrary NDAs if you're willing to forego the reward.

That path already exists: it's called "email security@vendor, tell them what you found, ask when a patch is expected, and then tell them they have 60 days".

Anybody know their problems with the terms at HackerOne? I admit I don't know HackerOne's term exactly and I'm not that good at reading legalese.

A bit speculative, but the word "NDA" appears four times in their post.

I believe HackerOne has some restrictions on disclosure as with an NDA approval is needed.

Yea I noticed that, but what do they specifically not like about the NDA? afaik, HackerOne still makes vulnerability disclosure possible (and automatic if taking too long?)

I guess the specifics are the letters N, D and A and what they stand for. And the fact that there's absolutely nothing in it for them.

Would you even consider signing an NDA if I sent you one? I surely hope not.

That’s not an answer to the parent’s question. HackerOne has a disclosure process despite the NDA, so what part of the process is the issue? Or is it simply “hackerone bad”?

They have no interest in signing away their right to disclose the vulnerability at the behest of a private, for-profit entity, because they believe public disclosure of security vulnerabilities is crucial to improving security.

if they have a disclosure process, what purpose is served by the non-disclosure agreement?

what with non-disclosure being literally the opposite of disclosure & everything

They pay you money, you disclose exclusively on their terms. That's the deal, and the purpose of the NDA. If you don't like the NDA terms, you don't engage with the bounty program, and you just publish on your own. There's no reasonable way to make a whole big thing out of this.

The only reason it's a "thing" is that the reporters in this case were attempting to do a responsible, coordinated disclosure. That's important for their own brand - many clients would be reluctant to hire a security consultant who just dropped 0days without a damn good reason. So this is documentation and justification for why they did a unilateral disclosure - the expectation is that you "show your work" and be clear that you tried to work with the vendor and they wouldn't work with you in good faith so you had no choice but to unilaterally disclose.

Nobody is going to avoid hiring a security consultancy that posts bugs with a coordinated timeline that notes they didn't engage with the bounty program.

right, if you don't like the terms of the NDA, don't agree to it

that is precisely the choice made by the team in the article, because the NDA was bad, for the reasons you described

so it sounds like everyone is OK with this, the authoring team is just describing that issue, along with other issues, with the bug disclosure process (like lying about there being no vulnerability while simultaneously fixing it)

There have been claims that companies are abusing the HackerOne NDA process to cover up security issues: refuse to acknowledge a problem, but weild the NDA to prevent disclosure of the supposed non-existent disclosure.

NDAs are expensive to review, usually over broad and always badly written.

Just say no to NDAs.

I hate that the component the vulnerability was in even exists. As far as I'm concerned, if a program tries to keep a local administrator from uninstalling it, for any reason, it's malware.

Sorry, but I disagree. You have to look at the customer base crowdstrike is serving which can be wide and varied. There exist environments where the user "needs" admin privileges but should not be able to uninstall the sensor. Think corp where users code etc, but they dont have the admin staff to do some more complicated IT security. In that instance this is just what is needed. Also, privilege escalation exist and these sensor server to help prevent do IR for real malware.

Agreed. Windows just does not have the permission granularity necessary for non-standard usecases

Somehow I feel those security companies are the source of the security problems.

Well in this case the vulnerability is the ability to uninstall the program when you're not supposed to be able to uninstall it.

So yes, if the program didn't exist at all, there would be no way to uninstall it in an unauthorized manor. So the vulnerability wouldn't exist. You wouldn't necessarily be any more secure though.

If you have 10 layers of security and 5 have holes in them, you have 5 vulnerabilities, but you're reasonably secure. If you have 0 layers of security and thus 0 holes in them, you might arguably say you have 0 vulnerabilities, but you would be less secure than the 5 vulnerability system. In the early days of computing you would log in with your username only, no password. Their threat model didn't consider intentional attacks, thus there were no vulnerabilities, but anyone could use anyone else's account.

What is the vulnerability here? An admin user can do admin stuff. Shocking.

Yeah, I'm not 100% sure. I'm not sure what the threat model for Uninstall Protection is. The official description page isn't completely clear.

>Uninstall protection prevents unauthorized users from uninstalling the Falcon Agent

>The “Maintenance Manager” role is available which grants permission to access the maintenance tokens. This role must be enabled against the Falcon user’s account in order to obtain maintenance tokens or manage policy related to Uninstall Protection.

Putting those 2 sentences together seems to lead to the conclusion that if someone doesn't have the "Maintenance Manager" role, that person will be prevented from uninstalling the Falcon Agent. It's unclear to me if all admin users are considered to have the Maintenance Manager role.


On Windows, there are things that even the Administrator user can't do, at least not directly.

One example I know off the top of my head because I know from experience is accessing Bluetooth encryption keys in the registry. Even if you launched Regedit as Administrator, you'll get ACCESS DENIED reading them. But if you use `psexec` to start Regedit as the SYSTEM user, you'll have access.

My guess is that CrowdStrike installs itself with permissions that prevent Administrator from uninstalling it.

if you believe you know the answer to the question, why ask it?

There's very little incentive to actually "solve" the problem.

Clownish of CrowdStrike. Take your vulnerability and address it.

Refusing to interact with an existing security process (HackerOne) and demanding a personal contact instead for a minor issue is certainly an interesting take.

You find "interesting" that someone just wants to report a security vulnerability without having to accept any conditions first?

Funny, I find it interesting that they want to pay a bugbounty even though nobody asked for it. But I guess paying hush money is just cheaper than having to seriously fix the issue.

>But I guess paying hush money is just cheaper than having to seriously fix the issue.

They did fix the issue, though.

They just marked something the way exploit was done as "malacious", without fixing the root problem, or informing the the reporter that they "fixed" it. Instead claiming it was never there. That is very unprofessional!

And if these guys were to go though the NDA route, The company may choose just not to fix it at all, and tell these researchers to be quiet about it. And you'd never know there was such a exploit ever.

I don't get the impression that the researchers were simply being lazy or attention-seeking.

They objected to having to sign an NDA, when there was no clear incentive to legally bind themselves in that manner.

This is a case where an email from mod zero to security@crowdstrike.com should have been enough to get the SOC to read and route the vuln to the product team and get a fix implemented.

NDA? HackerOne? Personal Information with Identity and Credit History Verification, Cookies and Disclosure Agreements, and 3rd party terms? Why is it at all "interesting" that a security researcher is not interested in giving all of up in order to tell CrowdStrike that their core product is broken in a way that is completely inimical to its mission purpose?

"Hey neighbour, you left your front-door open".

"Can you notify my lawyer by FAX, please? And can you get the document notarized first? Kthxbai".

It's interesting that they don't want to sign an NDA when there's absolutely nothing in it for them. Utterly astonishing. I'm hopping mad.

There's nothing at all weird about refusing to work through HackerOne. If you're not violating contracts (or the law) to conduct the research in the first place, you're not required to work through a bounty program at all; you can just disclose directly. Part of the point of a bounty program is to limit and control how disclosure happens; if your priority is the disclosure and not the cash reward, you won't want anything to do with H1.

I’m so sick of dealing with these snake oil salesmen products. CrowdStrike, Trend Micro Deep Shit, McAfee, SentinelOne, BlackBerry Cylance, etc. They are all pushing their users to install proprietary kernel modules and low quality effort solutions. They market this crap as low on resource usage that just hums along.. if you want to introduce random performance issues and crashes, then I would recommend using one of these trash solutions.

Is it weird that I read this as ClowdStrike like a dozen times before realizing it was Crowd?

I've heard them referred to as ClownStrike...

Lmao! Even better. I envision a custard pie as their logo

>modzero's Sr Leadership

What planet did they get their MBA from?

Just sell it and move on with your lives.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

The same Crowdstrike that was a key player in Russiagate? Colour me shocked that they do things dumbly. Anyone still using them after that fiasco and its impact on the US should be ashamed.



Your sources are from thegrayzone? You should learn to consider your sources...

The GrayZone has been impeccable in their reporting, with any errors quickly being admitted and disclosed. Of course many people disagree with them, and love to try character assassination and other ad hominems, but I've found them informative and having integrity. Maybe you should elaborate your reasoning.

To elaborate further: "Leaked emails reveal British journalist Paul Mason plotting with an intel contractor to destroy The Grayzone through “relentless deplatforming” and a “full nuclear legal” attack. The scheme is part of a wider planned assault on the UK left."


The Grayzone, home to impeccable reporting like https://thegrayzone.com/2022/03/18/bombing-mariupol-theater-...

Paul Mason isn't a journalist. He was a journalist, then he left and swerved hard left into Momentum. He's previously been members of groups best described as Marxist or at least radical left.

He's a spy.

edit: cleared by MI5 just like every other BBC journalist in Britain, but moreso, seeing as he was the economics editor for BBC Newsnight, then for Channel 4 News.




edit: to be clear, when I say he's a spy, I mean that he is being paid by British intelligence to report on the operations of left wing organizations, sabotage them, push them into doing extreme and unpopular things which also hopefully constitute grounds for arresting targeted individuals, and to say obnoxious things that piss normies off as a representative of "the left" in mainstream media.

edit: allegedly.

Do you know who thegrayzone founders and editors are? Hint: they're not crazies, they're pro journos with classy reputations.

Telling the wrong truth is considered "crazy" these days.

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