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I love FF but Youtube is a lag fast compared to chrome.

yea YT does suck a bit on FF, but there's some settings to try make it better - turn off the hover preview (https://support.google.com/youtube/thread/130441859/how-to-d...).

Also try switching to av1 codec, if you have a recent video card (https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/03/firefox-will-efficie...), but not sure if it will help much if it's not the video lagging.

Curious if that's still the case if you disguised the User Agent as Chrome. I used to have to do that on FF mobile to make any of the Google products usable.

Probably depends on device people are using. I'm using FF on the M1 Macbook and it runs extremely fast but on a more limited device the difference may be noticeable.

I'm sure tiktok runs circles around Chrome on tiktok, too.

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