UseTheSource is my Hacker News-inspired job board that uses your Hacker News karma (or begging) to determine who gets to post jobs:
Keep up the good work with this John. I link to it in almost every issue of my weekly Hacker Newsletter and I've had several people comment on how useful your site is.
Hopefully it will get some more eyes and thus postings today. Maybe you could do a reminder each month in the Who's Hiring threads.
Thank you for that. That's very helpful. I don't like to impose on the "Who's Hiring" threads because they are a HN tradition and I don't feel that trumpeting this site is a good idea there. Of course, it would bring me traffic but might be breaking social taboos here.
Of course, the day PG wants to link from HN to UTS I won't complain :-)
Raphael is a little butt-hurt that you haven't taken on his proposal ( to collaborate on Job4dev. I bet that the HN community would benefit much more from a joint effort than all of the occasional job sites we see here.
I'm sorry to hear that. I certainly don't want to go around hurting people, but I don't see how to work with him on this. I don't know him, UseTheSource is a sideline and not my main focus.
Has anything changed since you first launched[1]? How has the experiment been going so far?
I like checking it out from time to time to see if anything interesting pops up. I pointed an ex-coworker/friend to one of the postings and he had an interview. They were pretty responsive, although he is now waiting for their final decision.
Ase useful as it is, couldn't this submission have used a slightly more descriptive title? "Use the source" sounds like the name of someone's programming blog, not a job board.
Nice to see more company friendly/recruiter unfriendly job boards out there. My own effort scrapes jobs from twitter, removing the jobs boards and recruiters is getting some traction.
Have you plans to improve the search on the site? I think that would be the biggest benefit to me. And are all the jobs on there still active? Ie some are quite old but do employers remove them once they're filled?
This is my big question too: as an employer, what should I be doing with job listings that are always open (specifically, we are looking for as many good SW Devs as we can find). Should I post the position once and wait forever? Post every few weeks? Every few months? Something else?
From the perspective of a software developer - I'd say once a month, and make it very clear that you're looking for multiple developers, not a replacement for someone who got hired&fired since the last posting.
I remember when you first launched as a HN for programmers, and then closed it due to inactivity. I hope it has more success as a job board.
job openings voted similar to HN seems to be a good experiment by linking to company web site. in the reverse case, for job seekers initiating an application to startups, without a current opening, there is an interesting web site experiment here: (