I don't see what would clump, because it's not negative-mass matter floating between galaxies that I'm suggesting.
Just like entangled particles that are lightyears apart, when you measure the angular momentum of one, you know the other's because of conservation laws and not because of some hidden object nudging the particle the right way either.
Spacetime bulging the other way ("anti-gravity") would simply be a feature of spacetime to conserve some other property. In my example that would be the water pressure that wants to stay constant.
Some commenter below mention that this is like a waterbed. I like that analogy.
If you put a large marble on a waterbed, not only will it create a trough, it will also ever so slightly lift everything around it.
Just like entangled particles that are lightyears apart, when you measure the angular momentum of one, you know the other's because of conservation laws and not because of some hidden object nudging the particle the right way either.
Spacetime bulging the other way ("anti-gravity") would simply be a feature of spacetime to conserve some other property. In my example that would be the water pressure that wants to stay constant.
Some commenter below mention that this is like a waterbed. I like that analogy. If you put a large marble on a waterbed, not only will it create a trough, it will also ever so slightly lift everything around it.