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In the real world, we all know Russia isn't going to surrender, and Ukraine is going to lose. That's why western leaders are putting distance between them and ukraine

> That's why western leaders are putting distance between them and Ukraine reply

Where is this happening? The US sent another $Billion three days ago: https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/312005...

Western leaders have stopped visiting because they just did a few months ago, they don't need some official state visit merry-go-round to show support.

Also we do not "all know Ukraine is going to lose". In the real world, this is looking like a complete embarrassment for the Russian military. Hell we all knew the Taliban lost in Afghanistan in 2002 as well, and this is going much much better for Ukraine than it was for them.

The most likely outcome is that neither side surrenders or loses. Instead the conflict will just grind on indefinitely as a slow war of attrition. While some western leaders are distancing themselves from Ukraine, others will continue to support Ukraine as a way to bleed Russia to death and discourage future invasions of other countries.

Putin won't live forever. So the goal is just containment until he's replaced by someone less aggressive.

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