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I have a chance to present thorium power to the U.N.
17 points by DennisP on Nov 14, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
MIT has an annual contest to crowdsource solutions to global warming. I've made it to finalist with an entry that advocates liquid thorium reactors, and various related technologies.

At this point, a winner will be chosen by popular vote. Anyone can register and vote. My entry is here you're so inclined: http://climatecolab.org/web/guest/plans/-/plans/contestId/5/planId/15204

That's under the National category. I have another proposal, in Global, which is also a finalist. It's a combination of several things that are also in the National proposal. If I win with both, I'll devote most of my National presentation to thorium. Here's the global: http://climatecolab.org/web/guest/plans/-/plans/contestId/4/planId/15203

Last year I was a winner in this contest. We went to the U.N. and had a nice roundtable discussion with the Secretary General's personal advisory team on climate change. The next week we had a more formal presentation to congressional staffers. That'll happen this year too.

Right now I'm about 100 votes in the lead on National, but a team in India has picked up around 70 votes so far today. Under Global I have a slight lead. Voting lasts through Tuesday.

Voted for you. Good luck!


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