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I don't think I understand what you are trying to say here.

Currently, basic cameras and alarm systems are very affordable, more so than most of the staple devices in any given shop, e.g. cash registers. And if we are talking about actual deterrents, then they should be looking at steel window grills.

But let's assume that it is true that keeping a store lit is a deterrent, then why wouldn't they put up cheap, motion activated lamps, around the store?

Point is, businesses need to keep up with the times. Just stating that lightning keeps thieves away is not going to cut it.

> I don't think I understand what you are trying to say here.

You're making the error of focusing too much on technological gizmos as "solutions."

> Point is, businesses need to keep up with the times. Just stating that lightning keeps thieves away is not going to cut it.

The context here is banning the lighting.

Why is it a mistake? Genuinely curious.

If some “gizmo” has the potential to make something better for a little investment, why not consider it?

The gizmo isn't good as a deterrent. Only for maybe catching the thieves after the fact.

Just like police cars patrolling neigborhoods at night lead to a drop in petty crime even if they don't actually catch anyone.

Alright, then where’s proof that keeping showcases lit is a deterrent?

So far it seems just the word of a random Internet stranger against mine.

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