These kinds of windows into a life explain how some entrepreneur/CEO types can be owner and/or CEO of like three businesses, on the board of a couple others, in some kind of advisory role on a couple startups, and so on, and still always seem to be starting or trying to get a hand in some new thing: it's because they don't really do jack shit.
Meanwhile the peons get an anti-moonlighting clause and absurd claims over any work done in off-hours.
Being an owner (with a title of CEO) means they aren't spending their labour, or time, but merely capital. Therefore, it's correct that they don't get jackshit done.
However, a real CEO, without any capital investment in the company themselves, would get fired if they did that imho. Or at least, if i were the owner, and that's what i observe the CEO i hired to run the company.
Meanwhile the peons get an anti-moonlighting clause and absurd claims over any work done in off-hours.