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Did some research on this a while ago and I‘d wager that 5x in LOC & growth is a bit off: https://github.com/morris/vanilla-todo - probably it’s more around 1.5x (which can still be problematic). Would be interesting to rewrite the study declaratively and compare again.

Wow, I really love that experiment. Really explains a lot about frameworks to me, despite being an exercise in not using them. Thank you so much for making that.

When I look at what you've written under those restrictions, the biggest problem I flag as a general software engineer is how the events get created, defined, listened to, etc. This tells me that if I was building something "large" like that, the first third-party library I'd want to integrate is something for handling those event streams in a more rigorous and robust fashion.

yes, 5x is probably off, but 2x is likely typical, even if you create optimizing mutation helpers like setAttrs(el, prevAttrs, nextAttrs)

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